
Waterloo Primary School

Where Pupils Shine

Information and Updates on COVID 19

September 2021 Covid19 Outbreak Management Plan

Letter from Public Health September 2021


Following the Prime Minister's announcement this evening,  school will be operating remotely for all pupils apart from those identified as children of keyworkers (see earlier ParentApp) or children classed as vulnerable. 

If your child is classed as vulnerable,  according to our records,  you will receive a further ParentApp to confirm the offer of a place. 

Anyone believing that they meet keyworker status should turn up tomorrow to school,  but must bring identification or confirmation from their employer with them and present it to the member of SLT at the gate/door on entry - no later than Wednesday 6th. 

Year 5 families have already been made aware if their child is eligible to come into school.

Breakfast Club will run as usual in the morning,  but After School Club will close at 4:30pm tomorrow. Further information regarding these provisions for subsequent days will follow as soon as possible.

Day one tasks should have been set in home learning books (previously sent home) and further work will be made available via Google Classroom tomorrow. All children will be invited to a short Google Meet with their teacher tomorrow afternoon ahead of Teacher-led remote learning which will commence on Wednesday 6th January. (Year 5 live teaching will begin tomorrow as previously advised).

Information regarding free school meal provision will be sent to those eligible as soon as we have any further details.

We thank you for your ongoing support and understanding. 

Letter From Local Authority to Parents
