Reception |
- Visit a local park
- Visit our local post office and post a letter
- Get soaking wet in the rain
- Have class caterpillars/butterflies
- Have afternoon Tea
- Visit a museum
- Visit a planetarium
| - Have a visit from a bee keeper
- Take a stroll along the beach
- Walk bare foot in the sand
- Visit a local library
- Build a den
- Visit a farm
Year 1 |
- Visit a local park
- Visit Central Library
- Visit an art gallery
- Create a class collage
- Perform a dance
- Chat to elderly residents in our community
- Follow a route map
- Walk in a forest
- Take part in a play day
| - Make a puppet
- Learn to play a board game
- Perform in front of their class
- Create a piece of artwork for an exhibition
- Write a weather report
- Roll down a hill
- Make a daisy chain
- Visit a museum
- Go fruit picking
Year 2 | |
- Visit a transport museum
- Travel by train, ferry and tram
- Interview someone
- Build a bridge and check its strength
- Buy something and check you change
- Visit the Philharmonic Hall - take part in a concert
- Visit local library
| - Go on a bug hunt
- Eat something you have grown
- Eat something you have not tried before
- prepare a fruit kebab
- Plan a Christmas party
- Dress up as a superhero
Year 3 | |
- Visit a mine
- Cross the Welsh border
- Produce fossil rubbings
- Write in hieroglyphics
- Create a pinhole camera
- Visit an art gallery
- Go on a sculpture trail
| - Try pilates
- Compose a piece of music
- Prepare a healthy snack
- Design and make a board game
- Learn about a new religion
- Learn a Spanish song
- Tell your class about a favourite book
Year 4 | |
- Visit a new city
- Go on a Roman tour
- Record sounds for others to guess
- Take part in an Italian banquet
- Visit a museum
- Write a story for Reception
| - Create a sculpture
- Create a mosaic
- Choreograph a dance
- Write and perform a poem
- Perform in a play
| |
Year 5 | |
- Learn new things about your local area
- visit a museum
- Star gaze
- Make a large scale model
- Learn how to knit
- Keep a diary for a week
| - Learn how to sew a button on
- Take part in a debate
- Go litter picking
- Take part in a Victorian theme day
- Visit an Eco-centre
- Visit an art gallery
- Make and try scouse
- Take part in a beach clean up
- Plan a tour of your local area
Year 6 | |
- Visit a museum
- Make chapatti bread
- Write a speech
- learn how to access the news
| - Make an electrical model
- Choose objects to put in a time capsule
- Organise and perform in a service
Throughout School Journey | |
- Perform in a class assemblies
- Vote for/be elected as Eco-Council Rep
- Vote for/be elected as School Council Rep
- Vote for/be elected as Anti-bullying Ambassador
- Watch a theatre performance
- Share lessons with family members
- Perform in a play
- Take part in a careers event
- Take part in Autism Awareness
| - Take part in a community picnic
- Design a product and pitch to investors
- Perform in a nativity
- Dress up for World Book Day
- Take part in fund raising events
- Practice mindfulness/meditation
- Take part in a carol service
- Take part in a harvest festival/collect for local food bank
- Take part in Refugee Week