Where Pupils Shine
Anti-Bullying Week - Choose Respect - November 2024
Monday - Launch assembly -whole school in hall - Ambassadors to support in leading
Tuesday - Odd Socks Day - collective worship - Andy and the Oddsocks assembly in classes
Wednesday - Coin challenge (children to bring in loose change to try and write the word - RESPECT in coins on hall floor -ABAs will come and get classes throughout the morning
Friday - Wear blue day
Other tasks to be completed by all classes throughout the week when convenient:
- Make A4 posters to promote 'Choose Respect' (Pass to DHT office)
- Each year group to work together to come up with a verse linked to the theme 'Choose Respect' using the backing track 'Livin' On A Prayer' (Available on Charanga) - Reception to create the chorus. Please email completed verses/chorus
Plans for Anti-Bullying Week 2023
- Odd socks and wear blue day (minimum donation of 50p)
- 9:10am Themed assembly including this year's Andy and the Oddsocks song 'Make A Noise'
- 9:45am - 11am - Ambassadors to meet in the Computer Suite for online training meeting
- 11:00 - 11:30am - KS2 to participate in BBC live lesson (invitation on your staff calendar with link in the notes on invite)
- Use of odd socks resource pack - children to either complete sock design activity or pledge task (both if wanted)
- Children participate in compliment snowballing or compliment fan activity (snowballing - all children have an A4 piece of paper with their name on. It is given to another child and they write a compliment, then the paper is snowballed into the centre of the room. Children retrieve a snowball and add a compliment before snowballing again. Continue to repeat until children have many compliments from their peers then give each child their named piece to see what their peers have said about them. Compliment fans can be used as a calmer alternative where children pass the sheets around writing a comment on each and then folding it to create a fan which can then eventually be opened by the recipient.
- Anti-Bullying 'Make A Noise' Themed ' Bake Off' - children to bring cakes to the hall first thing where they will be judged by an ABA panel and then sold at break time.
- ABA Poetry task from pack (attached below) -can be completed as individuals, group or class depending on the age and ability of the children. You may wish to make it more creative by presenting as a calligram
- ABA Bantometer activity - completed as individuals, groups or class depending on age and ability
Design an anti-bullying poster hero challenge. ( Follow link below)
https://www.thriveapproach.com/news/anti-bullying-hero-poster-challenge?dm_i=71HF,JG7L,7XY7J,2HAXE,1 (Entry details in the link with closing date and prize details)
- Creating a school anthem to the backing track 'Yellow Submarine' - Play the track to the children so that they can hear the basic verse and chorus construction and melody.
Each class to shared write a four line verse on the theme of one of our school values in order to create a complete song (Legacy to school to be taught as a complete song in future assemblies)
ABA representatives with Mrs Baldwin to judge winning verse from each year group to make it to the final song.
Reception - Listen
Y1 - Try
Y2 - Care
Y3 - Encourage
Y4 - Value
Y5 - Respect
Y6 - Forgive
Ambassadors have decided on the chorus which will be inserted every two verses and will compose an opening verse in collaboration with SLT representatives to set the context.
Additional activities of choice from the packs provided or completion of tasks above
Ongoing throughout the week:
- Sharing of the ABA playlist created on the theme (to be sent on Monday) -played on the playground before school, break and lunch times (weather permitting) as well as in classrooms and the lunch hall
- Andy and the Oddsocks song to be revisited and shared following assembly (lyrics in packs provided along with links)
- Links to parent resources sent to parents & wellbeing & anti-bullying survey sent for completion
- You may wish to create a student shout out board (template attached)
Ambassadors worked so hard to compose this fabulous rap.
Don't be a bully be a buddy,
Shout, make a noise and be a goodie.
Bystanders they just stand about,
Upstanders use their voices hear them shout.
So now make a stand we need to be brave,
Be confident, shout out and don't be afraid.
Be proud, be loud - speak out happily,
Join with us and our Waterloo family!
Click on the image below to see what we planned and did during Anti-Bullying Week 2021.
Click on the image below to listen to this year's song and see the celebration video
More videos and photos to follow from school.....
National Stand Up to Bullying Day -13th June 2018
Pupils, parents and staff all joined together to stand up to bullying sharing our three key messages for the day:
Our Ambassadors were at the ready to share our key messages and random acts of kindness with parents on the playground before school. Parents loved receiving smiley stickers for sharing their smiles, helpfulness and positive messages with others.
Planned Tasks set by the Ambassadors
#StandUpToBullying for any social media posts made
8.45am -9am – Ambassadors giving out pledges to parents on the playground
9am -9.30am – SM delivering whole school assembly – Thunderclap and key messages
3 class tasks (linked to each key theme) to be completed at some point throughout the day
Task 1 – Be an upstander not a bystander - See stand up to bullying resource pack for lesson plan –Task 2 – Kindness is the key - Choose one activity from the following:
Task 3 – Stay safe online – reinforce the message in an age appropriate manner regarding the use of internet surfing, Youtube, social media and gaming (approx. 2/3 of Ambassadors have a social media account and a good number have a Youtube account so this gives us an idea of the bigger picture.
Pupils could make posters, video, blogs that could be uploaded to the website or through Twitter account (NB permissions for individual pupils)
Homework task – Age appropriate scenario sheet covering each of the key themes
- You are playing Xbox live and somebody you are playing against starts to be mean to you what write about what you would do?
- You see a group of people on the playground circling a person and laughing at them. What would you do?
- List as many ways that you can be kind to people as you can think of…
Ambassadors will also meet with SM (Time TBC) to review the Anti-Bullying Policy