
Waterloo Primary School

Where Pupils Shine

Waterloo Family Wellbeing Centre

Waterloo Family Wellbeing Centre is currently not delivering play sessions. Our work is now to concentrate on Early Help support to families. However we continue to deliver the following.


Tuesday AM -  Baby Clinic with Prince Street Health Visitors - Bookable appointments only - call 0151 2476354.

Wednesday AM -  Baby Ballet - call to book in 

Thursday AM - Coffee morning - advice and support with Early Help Workers.

Our Vision
We will provide appropriate support and services to families, working together with our agencies.  We will create, with our partners, a Family Wellbeing Centre which is a hub for our community.

Our Values

We believe that children have the right to have fun as they play and learn in a safe and welcoming environment.  We will offer an holistic approach to providing support for families as a whole unit. 
We will offer support to all families regardless of their social, ethnic or economic background.

Waterloo Family Wellbeing Centre is a community where every child can reach their potential.

Anni Quinn - Senior Early Help Worker



Anni Quinn – Senior Early Help Worker

Julie Herbert - Early Help Worker

Sarah Jones –Early Help Worker

Justina Hodge - Early Help Worker


Please contact us on 

0151 928 6539 

for upcoming events or email us on

