Where Pupils Shine
21st September 2018
Application for Anti-Bullying Ambassador Role
Dear All,
It is time for us to appoint new ambassadors to join our team. This is an important job and we are looking for children who are going to be responsible, committed to and enthusiastic about the role, who will act as positive role models and a support to the rest of the school.
If you would like to apply, please take this application home and complete it. You can discuss this with an adult and get help should you need/wish to, as this is not a writing test, but an opportunity for you to tell us what skills you have that would make you a great ambassador.
Applications must be handed in to Mrs Maciver by Thursday 27th September. I will get section 3 completed once you have handed your application in.
Good luck and thank you in advance for taking the time to complete an application.
Mrs Maciver
Application for Anti-Bullying Ambassador Role
Name _______________________________Class ____________________________
1. Why would you like to be an anti-bullying ambassador?
2. Tell us about yourself. Why do you think that you would make a good ambassador?
3. Supporting statement from your last year’s class teacher