Where Pupils Shine
17 of Waterloo Primary School's children arrived at the MEN Arena. As they opened the door to the arena and their faces were filled with different emotions. Some were nervous, some scared of heights and worried about being sat high up, some just excited. Then the conductor introduced himself and the children practised their singing all afternoon, with 5,534 other children. Imagine the sound that a choir of that size makes. As their teacher I had goosebumps running down my arm, knowing how hard they had all worked for this experience. The crowd of children roared with excitement as Andy from Urban Strides came on stage. "He's the man on the DVD!" some children shouted excitedly. They couldn't believe that the man that had showed them how to do the dance moves while they were rehearsing in school was actually there before their eyes. After what seemed like a long rehearsal time it was finally time for us to have our packed tea. We were all really hungry. After our tea it was finally time for the show! The lights were really bright and we found it hard to spot our parents but we knew they'd be there if they’d bought a ticket. Then the host came onto the stage in a sparkly dress and introduced the conductor and the band. Then finally it was show time!
As their ‘choir leader’ I am extremely proud of all the fabulous children that took part. For showing commitment for over a term, for persevering and learning the words to all those songs and most of all for giving their all on the day. I am sure this is a memory that the children will have for the rest of their lives and it’ll be a while till they stop talking about it. Well done my Young Voices, you are all “Extraordinary”.
For photos and videos see: